Lost and FoundWe need help on the images in this section. We cannot easily identify them (a number of us have tried) and we do not want to guess.If you think you know the year, location and anything else related to the image please email us.Our email is research@orpington-history.orgPlease click on the link or copy and paste it to your email application clearly stating which image you are referencing and what thedetails are.
Image 1 - What year? Its beensuggest mid 1950’s?
Image 2 - Ray Farm - whereand what year?
Image 3 - Orpington - whereand what year?
Image 4 - Orpington - whereand what year?
Image 5 - What year?
Image 6 - Do you have abetter image of this? Whatyear? Advert on the side istelling of the new opening of aSainsbury’s. It could beOrpington in 1973, it could beDartford or evenLocksbottom?
Image 7 - We have a set ofthese flood pictures from thehigh street but do not want topublish until we get the yearright.
Image 8 - Quite a famousimage but no one seems toknow the year of this poster?